O Brasil tem UTIs suficientes para a próxima onda de gripe suína?

Enviado por Átila Iamarino, do Rainha Vermelha. Um paper curtinho que o Ministro Temporão poderia ler:

Are we prepared?

We developed a model simulating the potential impact of influenza H1N1 pandemic on the volume of acute respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation (ARF-MV) and the accompanying mortality rate in the US. We calculate that 46 million people will contract the infection, resulting in 2.7 million hospitalizations, 331,587 episodes of ARF-MV and nearly 200,000 deaths, suggesting that the US may require the ability to provide MV at a volume approximately 33% over the current annual use.


none disse…
OMS informa que o H1N1 é o vírus dominante de gripe em todo o mundo


Roberto Takata

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