Mulheres, sexo e ciência

Este post é uma participação da blogagem coletiva Cientista também tem direito a paraquedista, patrocinada pelo Science Blogs Brasil. Obviamente o título não faz sentido: usa apenas palavras-chave para o Google e o Bing.

Achei este link no Gene Reporter. Como estou fazendo uma maratona da série Big Bang Theory para descansar enquanto estudo para o concurso (dia 3 está chegando!), o link veio a calhar...

Nerd Alert

Okay, I’m having a total geek attack.

Tonight I took a break from working on yet another research proposal to practice my violin, usually a fun but somewhat frustrating experience owing to the fact that I can no longer play even half of what I could in high school. Nevertheless, I like to make some noise with the old thing once in a while, to the probable annoyance of my neighbors. I was flipping through some piles of music that I hadn’t looked at in a long time, and I found the book of Star Wars music that I bought when I was probably in junior high. So naturally I had to play Star Wars music.

‘Cause that’s just the kind of nerd I am.


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