Físicos explicam porque existem paradigmas e revoluções científicas de Kuhn

Por que a maior parte dos blogueiros de ciência e céticos são Popperianos? Kuhn é muito melhor, e pode ser modelado pela sociophysics...

Highly connected - a recipe for success

Authors: Krzysztof Suchecki, Andrea Scharnhorst, Janusz A. Holyst
(Submitted on 5 Jul 2010 (v1), last revised 6 Jul 2010 (this version, v2))

Abstract: In this paper, we tackle the problem of innovation spreading from a modeling point of view. We consider a networked system of individuals, with a competition between two groups. We show its relation to the innovation spreading issues. We introduce an abstract model and show how it can be interpreted in this framework, as well as what conclusions we can draw form it. We further explain how model-derived conclusions can help to investigate the original problem, as well as other, similar problems. The model is an agent-based model assuming simple binary attributes of those agents. It uses a majority dynamics (Ising model to be exact), meaning that individuals attempt to be similar to the majority of their peers, barring the occasional purely individual decisions that are modeled as random. We show that this simplistic model can be related to the decision-making during innovation adoption processes. The majority dynamics for the model mean that when a dominant attribute, representing an existing practice or solution, is already established, it will persists in the system. We show however, that in a two group competition, a smaller group that represents innovation users can still convince the larger group, if it has high self-support. We argue that this conclusion, while drawn from a simple model, can be applied to real cases of innovation spreading. We also show that the model could be interpreted in different ways, allowing different problems to profit from our conclusions.
Comments: 36 pages, including 5 figures; for electronic journal revised to fix missing co-author
Subjects: Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph)
Cite as: arXiv:1007.0671v2 [physics.soc-ph]


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Roberto Takata

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