Avalanches Neuronais estão decolando...

Dietmar Plenz escreveu para o Mauro de que nossos trabalhos tem sido bem recebidos e que "o avião está decolando..."

Neuronal avalanches imply maximum dynamic range in cortical networks at criticality

Abstract: Spontaneous neural activity is a ubiquitous feature of the brain even in the absence of input from the senses. What role this activity plays in brain function is a long-standing enigma in neuroscience. Recent experiments demonstrate that spontaneous activity both in the intact brain and in vitro has statistical properties expected near the critical point of a phase transition, a phenomenon called neuronal avalanches. Here we demonstrate in experiments and simulations that cortical networks which display neuronal avalanches benefit from maximized dynamic range, i.e. the ability to respond to the greatest range of stimuli. Our findings (1) show that the spontaneously active brain and its ability to process sensory input are unified in the context of critical phenomena, and (2) support predictions that a brain operating at criticality may benefit from optimal information processing.
Comments: main text - 4 pages, 4 figures supplementary materials - 3 pages, 4 figures
Subjects: Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC)
Cite as: arXiv:0906.0527v2 [q-bio.NC]


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