Quando dar oprtunidades iguais é injusto

OK, OK, já comentei que a Política, assim como a Arte, não pode ser reduzida à Ciência. Mas isso não implica que não existam relações e influências. Por exemplo, a Política, e as políticas públicas, são muito influenciadas pelos cientistas sociais e economistas (mesmo que estes sejam considerados por alguns céticos como pseudocientistas).

Na questão da origem e mecanismos de mudança da distribuição de renda, os físicos têm dado uma contribuição interessante. Basta fazer uma busca no ArXiv sobre whealth distribution.

Aqui um exemplo interesante, do pesoal da UFRGS:

Versão final e referência aqui.

E aqui o artigo com o copyleft do ArXiv:

The unfair consequences of equal opportunities: comparing exchange models of wealth distribution

Authors: G. M. Caon, S. Goncalves, J. R. Iglesias
(Submitted on 1 Nov 2006)

Abstract: Simple agent based exchange models are a commonplace in the study of wealth distribution of artificial societies. Generally, each agent is characterized by its wealth and by a risk-aversion factor, and random exchanges between agents allow for a redistribution of the wealth. However, the detailed influence of the amount of capital exchanged has not been fully analyzed yet. Here we present a comparison of two exchange rules and also a systematic study of the time evolution of the wealth distribution, its functional dependence, the Gini coefficient and time correlation functions. In many cases a stable state is attained, but, interesting, some particular cases are found in which a very slow dynamics develops. Finally, we observe that the time evolution and the final wealth distribution are strongly dependent on the exchange rules in a nontrivial way.

Conclusion: Probably the most relevant result is the fact that the loser rule appears to produce a less unequal wealth distributions than the one we call fair rule. That is valid for values of the f < style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">It seems to us that this result is an indication that the best way to diminish inequality does not pass only through equal opportunity (fair rule) but through some kind of positive action increasing the odds of poorer strata of the society.


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