Índice de Hirsch para blogs II

Vitor Pamplona comentou que minha proposta para um índice de Hirsh para blogs talvez não desse certo porque uma pessoa poderia fazer links para seu blog em comments de blogs com grande autoridade. Fui até o site de suporte do Technorati e perguntei se isso era verdade, e aparentemente não. Responderam rapidinho:

  1. citations in commentaries on other blogs count for Authority?

    Posted: 2009-01-10 11:13:15

    Dears, I suggest that citations in comments should not count for calculating authority, since anyone can visity several high authority blogs and put links to his blog in the comment panel.

  2. citations in commentaries on other blogs count for Authority?

    Posted: 2009-01-10 11:23:08

    They are not supposed to count towards authority, if you see cases where comment links are indexed please let us know, it's a parsing error.

  3. citations in commentaries on other blogs count for Authority?

    Posted: 2009-01-11 04:47:23

    For example, in http://technorati.com/blogs/vitorpamplona.com?reactions, sorting by authority , there is a blog called %w(Akita On Rails). The citation came from the right bar, in the section "Lastest Comments", and not from the Akita's post.

  4. admin

    citations in commentaries on other blogs count for Authority?

    Posted: 2009-01-12 12:06:35

    Hello vfpamp: it seems that the link is rather old and made at a time when the "Latest Comments" sidebar included links to the blog of the commenter. However, it looks like the format has been changed to only display links to the post with latest comments. Thanks for reporting the issue which will be considered as a test case for indexing of links properly


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