Danica McKellar

Muitas pessoas possuem número  de Erdos NE finito (ver também aqui), e muitas número de  Bacon NB finito (ver também aqui). Tais números medem a "distância", em termos de redes sociais colaborativas, entre a pessoa e o matemático Paul Erdos ou o ator Kevin Bacon. Números infinitos significam que a pessoa não está conectada a essas redes sociais.
Poucas pessoas conseguem ter um número de Erdos-Bacon NEB = E + B finito. Danica McKellar possui NEB = 6, o que é muito bom! Deixo para a Isis do XIS-XIS falar sobre os raros homens bonitos com número de Erdos-Bacon.

Pensando com meus botões, fiquei imaginando se não seria melhor definir um número de Erdos-Bacon como a média geométria NEB  = \SQRT{EB}. O que acham?

McKellar studied at UCLA, majoring in mathematics. While at UCLA, she became a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority. She graduated summa cum laude in 1998. As an undergraduate, she coauthored a scientific paper[6] with Professor Lincoln Chayes and fellow student Brandy Winn. [7][8] Referring to the mathematical abilities of his coauthor students, Chayes was quoted in the New York Times[9] as saying, "I thought that the two were really, really first-rate."

As a result of her role in the publication, McKellar has an Erdős number of 4. Because she also has a Bacon number of 2 through her acting career, she is one of the few individuals with a finite Erdős–Bacon number; in her case, 6.

McKellar is the author of the book Math Doesn't Suck: How to Survive Middle-School Math without Losing Your Mind or Breaking a Nail (ISBN 1594630399), which encourages girls in middle school to enjoy and succeed at mathematics.[10] The book has been favorably reviewed by Tara C. Smith, the founder of Iowa Citizens for Science and a professor of epidemiology at the University of Iowa.[11] In an interview with Smith, McKellar said that she wrote the book "to show girls that math is accessible and relevant, and even a little glamorous" and to counteract "damaging social messages telling young girls that math and science aren't for them".[12]

McKellar's second book, Kiss My Math: Showing Pre-Algebra Who's Boss (ISBN 9781594630491), was released on August 52008. The book's target audience is girls in the 7th through 9th grades. As of August 24th, 2008, both of Danica's books have made the New York Times bestseller list - in the top 10.

McKellar was named Person of the Week[13] on World News with Charles Gibson for the week ending August 102007. The news segment highlighted her book Math Doesn't Suck and her efforts to help girls develop an interest in mathematics, especially during the middle school years.


Anônimo disse…
Hahaha, vou fazer o teste e ver meu número também. Aliás, acredito que, no caso da mulher, beleza não é fundamental. Nós gostamos mais é de charme. Aquele olhar.
Osame Kinouchi disse…
Isis, imagino que vc tenha Bacon number. Tem também Erdos number? Se não tiver, eu tenho (e assim, se a gente fizesse um paper - sobre blogs de ciencia?), nós dois teriamos um Bacon-Erdos number, o que não é nada usual! Que tal?

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