Psicofísica da Blogosfera
Minha última busca no ArXiv localizou cinco artigos sobre a Blogosfera. Caso algum estudante esteja interessado em nos ajudar (Mauro, Nestor e eu) em nossa pesquisa sobre a Psicofísica da Blogosfera, entre em contato nos comentários. Não existe bolsa de IC, por enquanto, mas garanto uma boa diversão e co-autoria de artigos, o que segundo dizem, equivale a dinheiro na poupança...
1. physics/0701316 [abs, ps, pdf, other] :
Title: Information propagation and collective consensus in blogosphere: a game-theoretical approach
Title: Information propagation and collective consensus in blogosphere: a game-theoretical approach
Comments: 6 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to EPL
Subj-class: Physics and Society
Authors: Kristina Lerman, Laurie Jones
Comments: 8 pages; submitted to the International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
Subj-class: Human-Computer Interaction; Artificial Intelligence
3. cs.HC/0612046 [abs, ps, pdf, other] :
Title: Social Networks and Social Information Filtering on Digg
Title: Social Networks and Social Information Filtering on Digg
Authors: Kristina Lerman
Comments: 8 pages, 5 figures Submitted to the International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
Subj-class: Human-Computer Interaction; Artificial Intelligence; Information Retrieval
Comments: 5 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Physica A. The blogging network data is available at this http URL
Subj-class: Statistics; Dynamical Systems; Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability
MSC-class: 91D30;91C20
5. physics/0506051 [abs, ps, pdf, other] :
Title: Quantitive and sociological analysis of blog networks
5. physics/0506051 [abs, ps, pdf, other] :
Title: Quantitive and sociological analysis of blog networks
Authors: Wiktor Bachnik, Stanislaw Szymczyk, Piotr Leszczynski, Rafal Podsiadlo, Ewa Rymszewicz, Lukasz Kurylo, Danuta Makowiec, Beata Bykowska (Gda\'nsk University, Poland)
Comments: 14 pages, 17 figures
Subj-class: Physics and Society
Journal-ref: Acta Physica Polonica B Vol. 36, No. 10 (2005) 2435-2446