Seleção de ações

Via Infoneuro, de Antônio C. Roque:
Os leitores deste blog devem achar interessante a edição online deste mês da centenária revista inglesa Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Biological Science, que trata da modelagem computacional de um problema que afeta a todos nós: a escolha do que fazer no próximo instante (chamado de problema de seleção da ação). Leiam abaixo um trecho do texto de apresentação do volume online citado acima: Action selection, at its simplest, is the problem that every human and animal faces at each instant of "what to do next?". To scientists this problem raises a plethora of further questions: How do we know how to do the right thing? Why is it that we sometimes make poor choices? How do we plan ahead for complex tasks and remember what we are trying to do as we go along? Are there central decision-making mechanisms in the brain or do actions somehow 'select themselves' through the interaction of many concurrent brain processes? What happens when different parts the brain want to do different things? How do the actions selected by individuals shape and change the social groups in which they live?


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