Culinária fractal e vítrea

(Submitted on 29 Feb 2008)

Abstract: Food is an essential part of civilization, with a scope that ranges from the biological to the economic and cultural levels. Here we study the statistics of ingredients and recipes taken from Brazilian, British, French, and Medieval cookbooks. We find universal distributions with scale invariant behavior. We propose a copy-mutate process to model culinary evolution that fits very well our empirical data. We find a cultural founder effect produced by the nonequilibrium dynamics of the model. Both the invariant and idiosyncratic aspects of culture are accounted by our model, which may have applications in other kinds of evolutionary processes.

15 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, submitted to Physical Review E
Subjects: Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph)
Cite as: arXiv:0802.4393v1 [physics.soc-ph]
Submission history

From: Osame Kinouchi [view email] [v1] Fri, 29 Feb 2008 14:16:37 GMT (323kb)


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