Neuroticismo prediz probabilidade de mulher blogar

Começando uma bibliografia sobre blogs
Cell - Volume 129, Issue 3, 4 May 2007, Pages 443-445
Blogs are one of the latest tools that scientists use to communicate their ideas to other scientists or to the general public. But who are the science bloggers and why do they blog?
Article Outline
Main Text
Meet the Bloggers
Blogging to E-ducate
What Is the Impact?
Why Aren't You Blogging?
Blogging to Talk Shop
Communities of Bloggers
Article Outline
Main Text
Meet the Bloggers
Blogging to E-ducate
What Is the Impact?
Why Aren't You Blogging?
Blogging to Talk Shop
Communities of Bloggers
The roles, reasons and restrictions of science blogs
John S. Wilkins
Department of Philosophy, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
Trends in Ecology & EvolutionVolume 23, Issue 8, August 2008, Pages 411-413
Over the past few years, blogging (‘web logging’) has become a major social movement, and as such includes blogs by scientists about science. Blogs are highly idiosyncratic, personal and ephemeral means of public expression, and yet they contribute to the current practice and reputation of science as much as, if not more than, any popular scientific work or visual presentation. It is important, therefore, to understand this phenomenon.
Article Outline
Readerships and reasons
The benefits of blogging
The costs of blogging
Who blogs? Personality predictors of blogging
Rosanna E. Guadagno, Bradley M. Okdie and Cassie A. Eno
Department of Psychology, University of Alabama, P.O. Box 870348, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0348, United States
Rosanna E. Guadagno, Bradley M. Okdie and Cassie A. Eno
Department of Psychology, University of Alabama, P.O. Box 870348, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0348, United States
Computers in Human BehaviorVolume 24, Issue 5, September 2008, Pages 1993-2004
The Big Five personality inventory measures personality based on five key traits: neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, openness to experience, and conscientiousness [Costa, P. T., Jr., & McCrae, R. R. (1992). Normal personality assessment in clinical practice: The NEO Personality Inventory. Psychological Assessment 4, 5–13]. There is a growing body of evidence indicating that individual differences on the Big Five factors are associated with different types of Internet usage [Amichai-Hamburger, Y., & Ben-Artzi, E. (2003). Loneliness and Internet use. Computers in Human Behavior 19, 71–80; Hamburger, Y. A., & Ben-Artzi, E. (2000). Relationship between extraversion and neuroticism and the different uses of the Internet. Computers in Human Behavior 16, 441–449]. Two studies sought to extend this research to a relatively new online format for expression: blogging. Specifically, we examined whether the different Big Five traits predicted blogging. The results of two studies indicate that people who are high in openness to new experience and high in neuroticism are likely to be bloggers. Additionally, the neuroticism relationship was moderated by gender indicating that women who are high in neuroticism are more likely to be bloggers as compared to those low in neuroticism whereas there was no difference for men. These results indicate that personality factors impact the likelihood of being a blogger and have implications for understanding who blogs.