Natalie Hershlag
Nelson me disse que ando colocando muita foto de mulher bonita aqui no SEMCIÊNCIA. Bom, mas o nome do blog diz exatamente que o mesmo não é muito sério. Em todo caso, para recuperar sua seriedade científica, anoto abaixo dois papers de Natalie Harshleg, vulgo Natalie Portman. Da Wikipedia: Portman has said that she was "used to A's" but admits to reading about institutional grade inflation in the Ivy Leagues in the New York Times . She reported on a talk show, "I'd rather be smart than be a movie star" and that her goal was to graduate from college even if it ruined her acting career. After high school, Portman enrolled at Harvard University where she graduated with a bachelor's degree in psychology on June 5 , 2003 . In 2005, Portman pursued graduate studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Portman is credited as a research assistant to Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz 's The Case for Israel . She was a research assistant to Dr. Stephen M. Kos...